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Dispute Resolution Support

Normalization of data and model creation in support of favorable resolution.

Dispute Resolution Support
KCIC is well suited to organizations that may:
  • Seek expert witness or litigation support
  • Be involved in mass tort, product liability, first-party property or other high-stakes litigation
  • Need a consultant who can work seamlessly with legal, financial and other partners
  • Require expert witness services or deep subject matter expertise
  • Benefit from expert forensic analysis of vast data sets
  • Need custom, flexible data solutions and responsive partners
People Are Talking
“This was a very high-sensitive situation for us. We turned a lot of disorganized data over to KCIC, and they were able to make complete sense of it. They performed a fine-toothed analysis of everything we had, and then developed a clear, cohesive way to present the evidence and resolve the dispute in a way that was more than satisfactory.”

KCIC's Dispute Resolution Support Experts

Jonathan Terrell

Jonathan Terrell

Nancy Gutzler

Nancy Gutzler

Elizabeth Hanke

Elizabeth Hanke

  • Blog Andrew Petryszak

    New Case Study: A Dose of Preventive Medicine

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  • Blog Nancy Gutzler

    The Challenges of Managing Warranty Claims

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  • Blog Elizabeth Hanke

    The Proof is in the Data: Asbestos Isn’t the Only Cause of Mesothelioma

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  • Blog Jonathan Terrell

    8 Observations from Warren Buffett's 2018 Letter to Shareholders

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  • Blog Michelle Potter

    Is Opioid Litigation the Next "Big Tobacco"?

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  • Blog Jonathan Terrell Michelle Potter

    Hot Topic: Talc Litigation Part 1

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